Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fit for Success

Have you ever heard of Success Magazine? It's not as mainstream as Money, Men's Fitness, Shape, etc. but it's every bit as motivational. You're more likely to find it in a book store than a convenience store. Anyway, although my subscription has expired, I still receive the weekly emails and I wanted to share this one with you. I'm not necessarily endorsing this program because I haven't tried it myself. But being both "success" and "fitness"-minded, I'm trusting it to be a good idea! Enjoy.

Get Fit for SUCCESS
A key to meeting your fitness goal (or any goal) is to make sure your reasons are strong enough. Work backward by first exploring why you want to get fit. What are your reasons? How will you benefit? If your reasons are strong enough, you will find the discipline to achieve your goal.
Fitness expert Shawn Phillips offers some powerful reasons, “Getting fit offers you greater energy, renewed health, a clearer mind and more time and freedom in every area of your life.”
Phillips is leading SUCCESS magazine’s 90-Day FIT for SUCCESS Challenge, a summer program to revitalize your health and mind. You will receive training, nutrition and mindset articles and interactive support. PDF downloads will help you track your goals. The program will begin June 1 and continue until Aug. 28. You can sign up now at

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Letting Go of the Past

I don't know where you came from or what you've been through in your life. What I DO know is that too many of us let the past keep us from having the future we want. Maybe you were the "fat kid" in high school or the last one to get picked for a team. Maybe you were shy or hesitant to try new things. Maybe you've been in relationships with someone who told you (whether implicitly or explicitly) that you'd never succeed. The point is, those things are behind you. Let them go and feel how much lighter your journey becomes when you drop that baggage.

You CAN achieve the things that you want. You CAN try new things, feel good about your body, be the friend, parent, and person you want to be. I know I'm talking in broad terms here, but take the concept and apply it toward your goals for yourself physically, as well. You CAN lose weight, get healthy, and feel comfortable with your body image. It's a matter of letting go of the old, negative baggage you've been carrying and repacking those bags with positive thoughts and belief systems. Don't beat yourself up for things you did in the past or for things that happened to you. Each time those thoughts creep into your head, STOP THEM. Reprogram those patterns with empowering statements: "I feel great because I am healthy and getting better every day." Before you know it, you really will be!

If anyone wants to suggest some good books on this topic, please reply! Thanks and make it a great weekend!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Put the Pack Down!

Wow, a recent study was cited in Parenting Magazine stating that women who smoke lose an average of 14.5 years of life! Are you kidding me? Imagine what you could do with those 14 years. It's mind-boggling. So if you are a smoker, I'm begging you to consider quitting or at least cutting back. I understand that it's one of the hardest habits to break, so consider talking to your doctor about effective methods and find a good support group. As with anything we give up (sweets, drinks, video games, etc.), it helps to replace that loss with a healthy substitute. What could be a better replacement than a trip to the gym? See you there!