Friday, December 26, 2008

Been Talking to Yourself?

Have you been talking to yourself lately? Chances are, you have, but you just don't realize it. Well, it's time to listen up because that subconscious voice is very powerful! If you're like most of us, you beat yourself up for your shortcomings and mistakes - often before you even make them. By telling yourself you're not good enough or your chances of success are slim, you're just setting yourself up for failure. Why not replace those "voices" with postive self-talk that positions you for success? First you have to become aware of what you say to yourself and then consciously replace those thoughts with something positive. Phrase these thoughts in the present or the future. ("I feel great and will finish this workout." "I am prepared and make wise decisions.") When I used to attend Monday staff meetings that would get me a little worked up, my mantra was "I am calm and confident." I'd say this over and over again in my head as I got ready for work that day, drove to the office, and walked confidently into the conference room. It really seemed to help. Anyway, the basic idea is that training your mind is as important as training your body. Fuel your mind with positive self-talk as you pursue your 2009 goals!

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