Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tough Economic Times

Yes, times are tough out there and Americans are looking for any way they can cut back on their expenses. When you do this, don't make the mistake of cutting back on your health. If you want to help the economy, one of the best things you can do is take care of yourself! The soaring costs of health care, prescription drugs, and insurance are bankrupting our country. If each person would actually exercise and eat right, we'd bring down these costs significantly. There are other ways you can cut back without sacrificing your health club membership. For instance, recently I talked to a member who started taking her lunch to work and realized she was saving $160 per month by doing so - WAY more than enough to pay for her monthly membership. Hey, she can even afford some personal training now. I hope you'll see that paying for a health club membership is a great investment in both you and your country.

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